The receiving module in Velocity WMS was designed for fast and efficient entry of goods into your warehouse. Perform all of your receiving and put-away tasks on just one screen without having to drill-down into other screens.
- Perform blind receiving for goods that arrive at your door without a purchase order
- Receive items electronically via an EDI 856 using the optional EDI module
- Automatically create master items during the receiving process for items that are not already in the system without having to stop the receiving process or leave the screen
- Automatically notify customers and warehouse personnel via email when an inbound delivery has been received and put-away
- Print warehouse labels with bar codes for easy identification and tracking of inventory
- Automatically assign license plate numbers to pallets, boxes, skids, etc.
- Assign storage locations to merchandise
- Assign lot numbers, serial numbers, and expiration dates to items
- Store pictures of goods and/or scanned paper documents with the receipt electronically